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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Back to Dorie.......8 years later! Savory Cheese & Chive Bread (originally scheduled for 3/2011)

Hello, out there!  My fellow 'Dorians' have long finished the cookbook and have moved on but not me!  I took a break, several years in fact, but decided that I wanted to continue cooking my way through 'Around My French Table' by Dorie Greenspan.

So it's March!  It's been cold this week!  Good time for warm, freshly baked bread so I was happy when I looked at the list of recipes that I hadn't done yet and bread was at the top.  This one was from March 2011!

Savory Cheese & Chive Bread
Page 35

Not the best angle, I admit (forgot how to rotate pics in the blog).
I used a goat's milk hard cheese and freeze-dried chives.  It's a dense, cheesy, chivy, savory bread that reminds me of cornbread.  I like it as a snack.  Good with a cup of tea or coffee or milk!

So starts my lonely blogging journey as I resume my cooking adventures with Dorie.  
Full disclosure:  I got to missing it and the other bloggers that I went online to try to find the group but no such luck.  So I googled for other cookbook blogger groups.  I found just one-it's a Wok Wednesday blogger group based on the 'Breath of a Wok' cookbook.  So even though I bought the cookbook and have the not-recommended nonstick wok (it's by a well-known cook though I can't recall his name at the moment) I still was feeling nostalgic about my Dorie group and book.

So here I am!   

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